Structural Basis of CYRI-B Direct Competition with Scar/WAVE Complex for Rac1



•CYRI-B structure reveals homology to CYFIP of the Scar/WAVE complex•CYRI-B shares a conserved interface with for Rac1 interaction•CYRI proteins form autoinhibited dimers that compete binding•Rac1-CYFIP model shows potential steric clashes RAC1 is major regulator actin dynamics, GTP-bound promoting assembly via complex. CYRI competes interaction in feedback loop regulating dynamics. Here, we reveal nature CYRI-Rac1 interaction, through crystal structures CYRI-B lacking N-terminal helix (CYRI-B?N) and CYRI-B?N:Rac1Q61L complex, providing molecular basis regulation We as having two subdomains - an binding subdomain unique Rac1-effector C-terminal Ratchet undergoes conformational changes induced by binding. Finally, show protein family, CYRI-A can produce hetero- or homodimers, adding additional layer signaling. Regulation cytoskeleton has direct impact on cellular shape, polarity, migration, homeostasis. 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To obtain capable diffracting high resolution, residues (1–25) involved truncated, but entire 26–324) retained. solved 2.37Å resolution (Table 1), experimental phasing, replacement successful.Table 1Crystallographic Table StatisticsCYRI-B?N (PDB: 7AJL)CYRI-B?N: Complex 7AJK)Wavelength (Å)0.970.97Resolution range41.74–2.37 (2.45–2.37)55.45–3.10 (3.21–3.10)Space groupP 1 21 1P 62 2 2Unit cell44.73 166.68 45.1390.0 112.3 90.081.87 81.87 355.8790.0 90.0 120.0Total reflections76389914,916Unique reflections24,72313,492Multiplicity23.0 (21.5)10.6 (11.3)Completeness (%)99.94 (100.00)97.82 (99.77)Mean I/sigma(I)25.0 (3.5)18.7 (3.6)Wilson B-factor62.5488.66R-merge7.2 (86.4)9.2 (66.2)R-meas7.5 (90.8)9.6 (68.1)CC1/20.97 (0.97)0.99 (0.92)Reflections used refinement24,71013,490Reflections R-free1,242672R-work23.924.7R-free27.229.2No. non-hydrogen atoms4,7293,603Macromolecules4,5683,558Solvent16112RMS(bonds)0.0130.013RMS(angles)1.541.54Ramachandran favored (%)95.994.7Ramachandran allowed (%)4.15.1Ramachandran outliers (%)0.00.2Rotamer (%)7.26.0Clashscore15.614.1Average B-factor84.586.9Macromolecules84.987.0Solvent74.265.5 Open table new tab each monomer consists 12 alpha helices packed into bundles running perpendicular other L-shape fold (Figure 1A). asymmetric unit contains molecules “slotting” compact dimer 1B). produces large contact area 1524Å2, yet relatively few bonding contacts (Figures 1C, 1D) monomers. Briefly, R161 hydrogen bond A192, R165 M166 binds Q324, I168 R320, N169 S321 Q324. With such density monomer, suggests despite dimerization may weak. Using DALI server (, compared PDB entries. showed only reasonable (RMSD <5Å protein) CYFIP1 1E). Remarkably, given divergence sequence, overlay RMSD 2.7Å C? atoms, 1.9Å 26–214 greatest corresponds helical bundle where alignment 215–324 gives 5.1Å atoms due insertion antiparallel ?-hairpin alignment, module comprising 1F). runs size exclusion chromatography S3A). Thus test if observed occur solution it heterodimerize CYRI-A, assays, weak reproducible MBP-CYRI-A HA-CYRI-B S1A Figure 4B). Since CYRI-B:CYRI-A heterodimer available validate interface, mutated based homodimer Both single double mutation arginine reduce 50% S1B). investigate heterodimerization could context, performed proximity ligation assay (PLA). positive signal strongly wild-type significantly reduced RRDD mutant, confirming possibility S2B S2C).To determine whether overlaid 3P8C) S3B). resulting minimal suggesting feature containing proteins. In line observation, higher-order oligomers (Pipathsouk 2019Pipathsouk Brunetti R.M. Town J.P. Breuer Pellett Marchuk Tran N.T. Krummel M.F. Stamou self-organization templates lamellipodial formation.bioRxiv. (0) understand domains general specifically, determined Rac1Q61L. 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Arfaptin-mediated cross-talk Arf signalling pathways.Nature. 2001; 411: 215-219Crossref (199) CYRI-B?N. results different conformation when bound 2F). Thus, unique, explains Rac1. Binding combination polar hydrophobic interactions. 3A 3B ). R160 residue forms salt bridge side chain D38 main-chain carbonyl group F37. Q153 R64 S41 N26 respectively. M147 N52 S157 peptide N39 explaining modest P29S clinically important (Hodis 2012Hodis Watson I.R. Kryukov G.V. Arold S.T. Imielinski Theurillat Nickerson Auclair Li Place al.A landscape driver mutations melanoma.Cell. 150: 251-263Abstract (1609) Krauthammer 2012Krauthammer Kong Ha B.H. Evans Bacchiocchi McCusker Cheng Davis M.J. Goh G. Choi al.Exome sequencing recurrent somatic melanoma.Nat. Genet. 44: 1006-1014Crossref (773) allows undergo spontaneous nucleotide exchange absence GEF, producing shift (Davis 2012Davis Holman E.C. Halaban Schlessinger Boggon T.J. RAC1P29S spontaneously cancer-associated GTPase.Proc. 110: 912-917Crossref (84) dual Q61L effectors CRIB 2019Whitelaw Lilla Paul N.R. Fort Zanivan CYRI/Fam49 represent class interactors.Communicative Integr. 12: 112-118Crossref (4) P29 located 3A), speculate serine result bonds, perhaps increase Previously shown another report indicates P150 bonds mutating aspartic acid would introduce repulsive charge-charge thus disrupt formation S4A). Rac1's distance nearest 4.4Å, reversal charge will S4A S4B). case S4C S4D). close making contacts, clashes, inhibiting 3C). further rationally introduced alanine arginine, 3D). Following experiments, resulted 3E 3F). conclude effector-binding identify specifically Overlaying dimer, see 4A). raises autoinhibit regulate functionality. assays repeated presence increasing levels seen 4B, 4C, 4D, homo heterodimers disrupted addition Interestingly, following swap 5A, Video S1). clash Q2 Y305 5A). domain-swapped occupy shifted 5Å, allowing without might act alternative 5C). When overlaying 5D), observed. implies either specific captured occur. However, failed induce solution, swapping crystallization artifact. Nonetheless, does Therefore, assuming evolved fragment retained activity, acquired defining features, distinguishing pure destabilization intramolecular common Rho family complexes proteins, formins (Kühn 2015Kühn Erdmann Block Schwenkmezger Geyer FMNL2-Cdc42 yields insights filopodia formation.Nat. Commun. 2015; 7088Crossref (39) IRSp53 (Kast 2014Kast D.J. Disanza Boczkowska Madasu Scita Svitkina Dominguez Mechanism combinatorial Cdc42 downstream effectors.Nat. Struct. 413-422Crossref (38) alpha-helical 215–324) 26–215), subdomains. 5A), upon destabilizes RBD clashes. precise biological role Rac1-induced elusive. question field analogy interact while Cdc42. less related GTPases RhoA RND1 6A). Together comparison 4JS0) selectivity becomes apparent. Residues A27, G30 lysine Cdc42; 6B–6E). breaking whereas W56 phenylalanine Cdc42, reduces extent Mutation S41A serves selectivity, mimics disrupts ?30% 3D, E). Sequence more distantly members 6A) demonstrates even greater variation together similarity extrapolate similar mode. tempting reason variations explain selective For example, A27K (a variation) 6B), mimicking cdc42, prevent summary, module, alignments evidence specificity. S4). them isoforms exception M147N; however, amino acid's 3B). (R159D, R160D R160D, R161D CYRI-B) comparable reductions involve limited sought use template interaction. ?4-?6 meander WAVE1) previously 7A 7B). All docked Of (R190, C179, E434, F626, M632), (R190 CYFIP) CYFIP1/2 CYRI-A/B coupled 6A, S5A, S5B). nine (Q68, N154, S157, R160, R161, N185, S188, L189 A192) chemical properties. supports informed Ra

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عنوان ژورنال: Structure

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['0969-2126', '1878-4186']